I have met Nathaniel on various occasions in the past but it always feels like something special because people like him ooze with inspiration. From the Architecture for Humanity headquarters in San Francisco, I've met three of their leading people: Cameron Sinclair (CEO aka 'chief eternal optimist'), Eric Cesal (leading AFH's role in Haiti's reconstruction) and Nathaniel, who we went sailing with on his last venture to these parts. NZ definitely needs this kind of stimulation, as being fairly isolated, it's easy to get mired in a single way of thinking.
At dinner with the AFH crew I met Robin, who created Earthsong. Thought I'd just mention it as it is very much a green project and renown in the architecture community. And Albert Park Cafe is possibly a new place for me to hang out, good art, lovely people and right next to the park and Art Precinct. Walking into a cafe, you know when it's a bit of a good spot when all the oldies, creative laptoppers and sophisticated suits are patrons, you can't really go wrong.
For those out of the loop, Borders is closing down left right and centre! (There's only 3 stores..) More accurately, it is now a part of Whitcoulls, the rip off enterprise that we all suck up to. More to the point, the Borders that has lined the front of the IMAX complex is having its living daylights sucked out from within. Having faced more than a few issues (serious flooding comes to mind), this institution to our youth and book-loving leisure is shutting down. A bit sad really. So there are sales - most of the good books are gone, but some of the more obscure creative books are still left with prices slashed down, so do have a look!
And only just now I remember what I was looking forward to posting - a blog about ABSINTHE (the alcohol), oh well, next time I suppose.